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IF you are WORRYING it means you are NOT LIVING

If you are worrying it means you are not living.
It means you are simply wasting your valuable time in vain.
It means you are simply wasting your opportunities.
It means you are happier with your past & that you are not enjoying the present moment.

The universe has blessed us with a beautiful life. Be aware of this fact.
Our destiny is in our hands. If we keep on worrying, we cannot progress in our life. We will be living in the past.

We have a choice. We can choose to live in the Present.

We have a choice. We can choose to live in the Present.

Worrying is a total waste of time. Ask yourself “If not NOW, WHEN will I LIVE?”
Time does NOT wait for anyone. This is another fact we need to be aware of.
Worrying is what robs our peace of mind, our happiness, our joy, our success…
Give your worries a break. Free yourself from all worries (past pains, hurts, emotional wounds, anything that prevents you from living…)
Put your burden of worries down. Then you feel light. Then you can LIVE.

It’s very easy to read what I have written here. This is not sufficient. We need to practice what we read to see a real change in our life.
We need some mental effort & practice to be free from worries.
Everything originates from our mind, from our thoughts.

So are you ready for a change?  

P.S: I would like to hear from you how did you benefit from this post. You are most welcome to share your comments below. 


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