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Learning to free ourselves from emotional baggage

We came on this earth as a little baby without any clothes and a mind free from stress, pain, hurt and suffering. Gradually, as we grow up things tend to affect us and there are things which we cannot forget.

Such things we carry like a burden on our shoulders. We don’t even realize the heaviness of this emotional baggage. We just keep on carrying the baggage uselessly. This extra baggage consists of things such as unresolved conflicts, hate, jealousy, hurts, anger, bitterness, grudges, fear, etc.

We just like to carry this burden for no good reason.

What we don’t realize is that we are only wasting our time and energy by not letting go of these emotional baggage. Time does not wait for anyone. So instead of wasting our valuable time on useless things which lead to nowhere, why not enjoy each moment of our life by smiling and being happy.

No one is asking to carry this heavy burden. It’s only us who can control our reactions towards things, situations and people.

Life is like a movie. There are some good and bad people. Also, there are good ones which turns into bad ones and bad ones which turns into good ones. Our life do have a play and stop button. The play button has already been pressed.  When the time for the stop button comes, we will have to let go naturally of everything – the body and everything associated with the body. We will then not have any choice. But we do have a choice right now. So let’s not get distracted by small annoyances in our life and let’s watch and live the movie of our life fully.

Liberate those who hurt you.
Accept that which you cannot change.
Forgive Quickly.
We lose nothing by forgiving and liberating the emotional baggage. Instead, in return we get lots of time to live, we get peace of mind and we can fully enjoy our life.  

Don’t become a slave of your emotional baggage. Be the master of your life.


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